The story of our Marie started in the Golden Twenties: Even as a child, so it is told, little Maria – called Marie – was the heart and soul oft he Hausbrendel brewery in the centre oft he bavarian city Augsburg. The lovely smile oft he younger daughter of two let the heart of the grumpiest fellows soften; with her big blue eyes and her unshakeable happiness she was able to wrap the biggest grouches around the finger.
Because oft hat, it is no wonder, that Marie Hausbrendel grew up into a charming young lady. Nearly every boy around the corner kept an eye for her. But she had no interest in romance and preferred to lend her father a hand - after all, she knew the brewery and the pub better than the back of her hand. No, Marie was not above lending a hand - always with a smile on her lips and a kind word for the guests.
The fact that things were particularly nice at the Hausbrendel brewery - thanks to the beautiful Marie - did not remain an Augsburg secret for long. The news quickly got around and was eventually also heard by a certain young lad called Konrad Schwarz from Zusmarshausen. His best buddy, "the postman" had told him about Marie and the bachelor Schwarz quickly became interested: a brewer's daughter who is both beautiful and hardworking - he had to see that with his own eyes!
So he set out to take a look at the Hausbrendel Marie himself. But when he arrived at the pub on Jakobsplatz, the young Schwarz was bitterly disappointed. The waitress in her traditional dirndl dress and apron was quite nice to look at - but there was no sign of dimples or a beaming smile! When he asked the other guests about her, they confirmed that this was the brewer's daughter and so Konrad Schwarz returned to his buddy quite upset. He had to confront the postman. But his friend friendly asked him if he was stupid - Marie was always with her father, delivering beer to their customers, at this time of the day… every child knew that! The inconspicuous waitress he had seen was the older of the two Hausbrendel sisters!
As Konrad heard about his mistake, he wasted no time finding his “real“ Marie. And there she was - unmistakably the stunning apparition from the stories - standing on the table in the middle of the brewery pub. As a woman of action, she was changing a light bulb and was struggling with the socket. Without further ado, the young Schwarz seized his chance, jumped onto the table and helped the beautiful Marie out of a jam. Well, what can we say - under the glow of the new light bulb, one look was enough and both fell head over heels in love.
And so it happened that the wedding bells rang a short time later: The brewer and the brewer's daughter - a story that only life can tell. And from then on, Marie enchanted the Zusmarshauser Braustüberl guests, who fell at the feet of their new hostess. The stories of Marie are still told there today and people drink a pint of ‘Helles‘ in her honour. To make it even better, grandson Leopold Schwarz has now dedicated an own beer to his grandmother - the new Schwarzbräu "Marie Hausbrendel".